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10 Best Books to Read while Traveling!

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Some of our Favorite Books that we've read or think would make for the best to read while traveling!

Continue reading below for our list of books that we believe will be great for reading while traveling or just in general. All of these books are non-fiction and geared more towards Self Improvement, Business, Leadership, or Growing.

Often times we can't seem to find the time to read in our everyday lives. However, there is so much useful knowledge and insight to gain if we can find time to read. So whether you are sitting on the beach relaxing, have a long flight ahead of you, or just have some time to sit, drink coffee, and enjoy a good book, then you will want to check out the books listed here. We have a trip coming up soon that will require about a 4 hour flight. We will enjoy taking some time to sit back, relax, and enjoy a good book until we land.

Knowledge is something that can never be taken away from you.


Our Guide to the Best Books for Reading While Traveling!

Or Just in Everyday Life!

Finding a good book to read can often be challenging. Sometimes we buy a book, begin to read it, and realize quickly that it's just not for us. Finding those books that you can immerse yourself in and find yourself hesitant to stop reading are simply the best ones. Not all of these books below will resonate with everyone nor will they interest everyone. However, they are, by far, some of the best books we've ever read and found that they offer a lot of knowledge that we can all relate to in our everyday lives.

I don't like to read fiction books, as I find them less interesting. I prefer to read books that I can apply to my life or help shape or change the course of my life or a business. These books do just that.

This book may be my personal favorite, of any book that I've read. If you are in a leadership role at work or own a business, this is the book you need to read. Stop what you are doing and order It's Your Ship, now! I could not stop reading it.

When Captain Abrashoff took over as commander of USS Benfold, it was like a business that had all the latest technology but only some of the productivity. Knowing that responsibility for improving performance rested with him, he realized he had to improve his own leadership skills before he could improve his ship. Within months, he created a crew of confident and inspired problem-solvers eager to take the initiative and responsibility for their actions. The slogan on board became "It's your ship," and Benfold was soon recognized far and wide as a model of naval efficiency

Who better to get some business advice from than Dale Carnegie? This book is a must read for any entrepreneur or business person. It's a must read for anyone who is trying to climb the latter within their organization.

This book outlines six ways to make people like you. Nine ways to change people without them resenting you for it. Twelve ways to make people think like you do. If you’re going to buy just one business book, this is the one to get. Go buy this book and read it!

3. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

This book is great for the person who wishes to learn more about making their money work for them as opposed to working for their money. It's the must read book for learning about investments and building a future free from the constraints constantly working for your money. Go buy it and read it. You'll thank me latter.

"The main reason why people struggle with financial problems is because they spend several years in school but learn nothing about money and investments. The result is that people learn to work at the service of money… but never learn to put money to work for them."

By Robert Kiyosaki, 2001, 240 pages

4. Art of War by Sun Tzu

This Book is an exceptional strategy guide for business. Everyone from world leaders to military brass has credited this book as a road map for successful outcomes. This is a book that every man should own; regardless of whether he’s the CEO or the janitor.

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a different set of skills related to warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that was formalized as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, lifestyles and beyond.

The book contained a detailed explanation and analysis of the Chinese military, from weapons and strategy to rank and discipline. Sun also stressed the importance of intelligence operatives and espionage to the war effort. Because Sun has long been considered to be one of history's finest military tacticians and analysts, his teachings and strategies formed the basis of advanced military training for millennia to come.

This Book is a must read. It's a bit on the vulgar side and straight to the point. It's essentially a book about finding out what is important to you and letting go of everything else. It's a pretty short read you can finish in a day or two.

It focuses on what is important and getting away from the distractions in life such as social media and outside influences that simply have no power over our personal lives.

The book is brutally honest about our expectations in life, our fears, and personal problems. It aims at helping you overcome those fears. Do yourself a favor and buy this book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*uck.

Covey centers his book around the average person’s personal and professional habits. This is the focus of the book because it is these habits which make up your character.

Everyone has habits. Some of these habits are good habits, some are bad habits and some habits have little to no impact on your daily life. Covey’s book focuses not on eliminating bad habits but on building up good ones. For most people, good habits need to be practiced and sharpened. Many good habits must be learned and do not come naturally. They often take more conscious effort than bad habits do.

Changing your habits can change not only the way you see the world but the way the world sees you. You can use the lessons in Covey’s book to help you. If you want to improve your life, this book is a good read. It will certainly change the way you think. Go buy this book!

7. Mended by RL Harnish

Are you looking for real, authentic change, in your life? This book is for you! The author walks you through her own chaotic upbringing and the self-inflicted pain of her adult life to explore meaningful and tangible realizations and growth she gained from each hardship. She then equips you with ways to apply these thoughts and lessons to your own life. By applying these truths, you will surely see your life start to transform in amazing ways. If you are serious about changing your life and ready to overcome battles, then this book is a must-read RIGHT NOW.

You won't regret reading this book. It will relate to your life more than you could imagine.

8. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

A compelling explanation of how techniques used on the battlefield can be applied to business leadership Extreme Ownership is a must read for military members and civilians alike. Shedding light on the revered world of the Navy SEALs Jocko and Babin detail how their experiences during training and the war in Iraq gave them the skills necessary to coach business leaders across the world. Through the mastery of seemingly simple principles the pair provide a forcible case for the importance of calm and decisive leadership in times of crisis, regardless of setting.

This book is a must read if you're in a leadership position or wishing to obtain one. It's a book to help you with the most basic principles of business: Lead and Win. Go ahead a grab yourself a copy of Extreme Ownership, you won't be disappointed.

When it comes to securing buy-in from their teams, one of the most common pitfalls experienced by leaders arises from focusing too closely on what the organization does rather than why it does it. He argues that, in order to inspire impactful action among employees, you need to create an emotional connection between them and the organization. And Start With Why teaches you how to do so.

This book is a must read for leadership positions and business owners. It will teach you the ways to not only lead your employees but also inspire them. When your employees are inspired in their work, their productivity will drastically increase. Having employees who "buy in" to your business is a must in today's society and economy.

10. The Dichotomy of Leadership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Jocko Willing and Leif Bain are making another appearance on our list for their book, The Dichotomy of Leadership, where they explain the many dichotomies of leadership and how it often involves striking a balance between two extremes. Using this information, it explores how you can identify the best course of action when both have pros and cons by following twelve principles broken into three categories: balancing your people, balancing the mission, and balancing yourself.

If you've found yourself in a leadership position, business owner, or looking to climb the corporate ladder, this book is a must read. You won't be disappointed with your purchase!

Find Time to Read, Books are a Wealth of Information

Finding time to read a good book can often be hard to do in today's busy world. If we can find the time to immense ourselves in a good book, we will often find a wealth of information to apply to our everyday lives. Books provide us with knowledge and knowledge is the one thing that no one can take away from you.

Not all books are for everyone. I don't like fiction books and often prefer leadership books, business books, or self-improvement books. I don't believe in recreating the wheel, therefore, we find ourselves using books to gain insight in the minds of those who have already proven many principles that work.

Take some time and read these books listed here. You won't be disappointed and may find yourself gaining some valuable insight.

Drop a comment below of your favorite Book!


Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase an item, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own.

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